2. Creating flexible terminology

Transcript of the tutorial video

The severability clause that we had begun to automate in the previous chapter is essentially finished, except for one crucial point.

It is already highly reusable, as border plate clauses typically are. But what if I want to use this clause in a document where I do not refer to this defined term, the agreement as the agreement but as the contract or the covenant, or the terms and conditions for example?

In that case I would still need to manually make sure that the terminology is all kept consistent and that stifles standardization and automation. That is why in Clause9, you can create flexible abstract terminology which automatically adjusts to these kinds of labels or synonyms which refer to the same thing. We call these abstract terms and Clause9 concepts.


Now in order to change this concrete term of the agreement to an abstract one, or in other words a concept, we need to follow three basic rules.

1️⃣ Delete the article, Clause9 will create it for you.

2️⃣ Insert a hashtag in front of the term.

3️⃣ Write everything in lower case unless the concept is at the start of a sentence. The reason for that is that these terms are typically written with a capital letter regardless, so the capital letter that you are writing here does not refer to the "A" in "Agreement", but it refers to the "T" in "The [Agreement]".

Now Clause9 realizes that you are writing a concept here.

The reason it is marked in red at the bottom of the screen is that Clause9 is saying "I know you are writing a concept, but I cannot find it in your library". No problem, you can simply create it on the spot.

How do you create a new concept?

  • If you click the red error, you have the option to create a new concept. The same pop-up menu appears that would appear for a clause, you just must find a location in the library where you want to store this concept and the "My library" folder is ideal for that.

  • Again, you will want to create a folder for this and if you click the "+ folder" button you can see that there is even a way to create a special folder exclusively for concepts. The reason you want to use this folder in particular for your concept is twofold:

    • First of all, if you create it, you can see that it is clearly marked in a different colour so that you know that you can centrally store all your concepts there and immediately retrieve them very easily.

    • But there is also a second reason, 90 % of Clause9 users are not clause authors like yourself. So, they will never have to know or never have to work with concepts, they do not even need to know what a concept is to be able to use Clause9. For those users the "concepts" folders is simply not even visible.

That is a great way to avoid cluttering the library of your colleagues and your other users.

Once we have created this folder, we can click it and click "Select folder" to insert this concept into that folder. As you can see here there are two separate icons in these two tabs, so we know that one is the clause, and one is the concept.

Concept labels

We have all sorts of additional information that we can provide with this concept. But there are only a limited number of menus that are interesting or relevant right now. Specifically, the concept labels menu is one that is important for us here.

A concept is an abstract term so we need to tell it what sort of concrete terms it should be using by default.

If we create a new concept label by clicking "+ English concept label", we can first of all say we want this concept to be portrayed as "The Agreement" first and foremost. But we can create additional alternatives, we can say well in some cases it might be referred to as "Contract", in some cases it might be referred to as "Letter" for example. As you can see, as soon as you fill out a singular version of this term, Clause9 will dive into its own internal dictionary and produce the plural version of that word by itself.

We will not focus too much on the specific parameters for this concept label that you can set up. But just know that you have different options here to add different labels.

If we click "save" in library that concept has now been updated, so we can safely close it.

The concepts are no longer portrayed in red here, so that means that Clause9 does recognize them.

If we update this clause, you can see that nothing really changes in the interactive preview on the left-hand side, but if we go to the Terms menu, we can see that there is a new term called "Agreement". In this Terms menu, Clause9 gathers a list of all concepts present in this document.


From this Terms menu I can also then play around with that terminology.

If I click "Agreement" here, you can see that I can switch it to, for example, the singular version of "Contract". Then every single instance of this term will be replaced by "Contract" instead of "Agreement". I can use predefined labels like the one that I just created but I can also create a new label on the spot. If I click the bin icon in the top-right corner, I automatically revert to the default label.

To summarize, a lot of flexibility has been added to the clause we just created:

  • First of all, you can toggle the title on or off, and that may be useful for when you for example want to use this clause as a sub-clause but do not necessarily want to show the title, you can toggle the title on and off you can also toggle the numbering on and off. This does not change anything underlying the clause, it is just a way of showing that clause within the document.

  • You can also see that we can switch the clause around and that automatically the numbering is going to be configured properly. So Clause9 automatically and flexibly adapts the numbering to ensure consistency within the document.

  • We also saw that the styling settings are applied centrally.

  • Finally, of course we have that flexibility of the terminology.

⏭ Next on we will take this admittedly fairly manual process of making this clause suitable for flexibility. You will learn how you can automate that a little bit and make that entire process somewhat faster.

Do you want to learn more about this chapter? Check out our help page on introduction to concepts.

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