Module 7: Writing conditions

Only complete the following exercises when you have completed the Intermediate Clause Author Tutorial. Add the clauses for these exercises to your exercise document.

The following 3 types of datafields are most commonly used to create conditions:

  • True/false datafield: yes or no question with two mutually exclusive options.

  • Text datafield: question that takes a text value where more than two options can be included which are mutually exclusive

  • List of text datafield: multi-select list for text values

7.1 True/false datafield

Write a condition using a true/false datafield that answers the question: Is the license exclusive?

16. Special Papers

The Licensee agrees to execute any and all papers, documents, or other instruments which may be found necessary or desirable to affect the [exclusive OR non-exclusive] right and license granted to the Licensee.

Structure of a simple condition:

{#concept^datafield = true: text if the hypothetical answer is true}


{#concept^datafield = false: text if the hypothetical answer is false}.

You can include text options for both hypothetical cases as follows:

{#concept^datafield = true: text if the answer is true | else: text if the anser is false}

7.2 Text datafield

Write a condition using a text datafield with three predefined options:

  • by licensor

  • by licensee

  • by mutual consent

Three pre-defined options that should automatically be activated depending on the method of termination:

  • If ‘by licensor’ is chosen, write “termination by the licensor”

  • If ‘by licensee’ is chosen, write “the termination by the licensee”

  • If ‘by mutual consent’ is chosen, write “a termination by mutual consent”

17. Termination

The Parties confirm that the Agreement will definitively end pursuant to [method of termination].

Structure of a simple text condition:

{#concept^datafield = "hypothetical answer": text if the datafield input is equal to the hypothetical answer}.

You can add multiple hypotheses as well:

{#concept^datafield = "hypothetical answer 1": text if answer is equal to hypothetical answer 1 | "hypothetical answer 2": text if answer is equal to hypothetical answer 2}.

Finally, you can always add a fallback option by using | else: fallback text}.

7.3 List of text datafield

Write a condition using a list of text datafield. Create three predefined options:

  • corporate restructuring

  • breach of contract

  • financial difficulties

The following text should appear depending on which predefined option that has been selected:

  • If ‘corporate restructuring’ is among the chosen options, write “a corporate restructuring within the Distributor which may have a material impact on the Manufacturer.”

  • If ‘breach of contract’ is among the chosen options, write “any material breach of any terms under this Contract or an Order by the Distributor”

  • If ‘financial difficulties” is among the chosen options, write “when the Distributor suffers financial difficulties, however such financial difficulties may be evidenced”

18. Event of Default

Each of the following events occurring for the Distributor, shall constitute an event of default under this Contract for the Distributor:

Structure of a list of text condition:

{"hypothetical answer" in #concept^datafield: text if that answer is included in the datafield}

7.4 Enabled?

Write a condition that allows user to enable or disable the entire clause. The clause should only be enabled if the Employment agreement is concluded for a specific duration.

19. Specific Duration

The Employment Contract is concluded for a specific duration of 6 years, starting on [start date] and ending included.

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