Module 6: Special functions

Only complete the following exercises when you have completed the Intermediate Clause Author Tutorial. Add the clauses for these exercises to your exercise document.

6.1 Duration in calendar days

Create a new clause with the title and body set out below:

9. Calendar days

9.1 In case of a delay in payment, including in case of a partial delay in payment, of unprotested amounts for more than [payment termination term], the manufacturer reserves the right to suspend or terminate this contract, in whole or in part, without prejudice to the other rights of the manufacturer under this contract and/or applicable law.

The payment termination term should be expressed in calendar days.

Create a new clause with the title and body set out below:

10. Hyperlink

10.1 All notices to be given under this contract shall be in writing and shall be sent by email to the following address: [email-address].

The email address that is filled out should be a (mailto) hyperlink.

6.3 Conjugations – gender

Create a new clause with the title and body set out below.

12. Male/female

12.1 [Ms/Mr.] [name of the employee], hereinafter referred to as “the Employee”.

The way this employee is addressed (i.e.: either as “Ms.” or as “Mr.”) should automatically change based on the gender assigned to the concept label of the term “Employee”.

6.4 Footnote

Create a new clause with the title and body set out below.

13. Footnote

13.1 The data importer shall put in place appropriate technical or organisational measures to ensure compliance with this obligation, including erasure or anonymisation of the data and all back-ups at the end of the retention period.

Create a footnote for 'anonymisation' with the text set out below.

This requires rendering the data anonymous in such a way that the individual is no longer identifiable by anyone, in line with recital 26 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, and that this process is irreversible.

6.5 Multiple cross-references

Create a new clause with the title and body set out below.

14. Multiple cross-refs

14.1 In case of termination of this agreement in accordance with this clause, Article 10, Article 11 and Article 12 shall survive said termination.

The clause contains cross references to multiple clauses (clauses you’ve created earlier in this module). The references should only appear if the clauses are enabled. Create a clean enumeration for the references.

6.6 Number of pages

Create a new clause with the title and body set out below.

15. Signature

15.1 Executed in two original copies, each containing [number of pages] pages.

Use a special function to count the number of pages contained in the contract.

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