
Practice makes perfect!

That's why we have created some exercises to practice your ClauseBase skills. Each exercise focuses on a specific topic. Some of them build further on the documents you automated in the course of the tutorial series; others will require you to create new clauses. You can pick and choose the exercises depending on which topic you would like to practice.

First step is to create a new document ‘ClauseBase Campus Exercises’. All the exercises that don’t build further on the Consultancy Agreement, need to be added to this document.

Finished the Basic Clause Author Tutorial? Complete module 1 - 2 - 3.

Finished the Intermediate Clause Author Tutorial? Complete module 4 - 5 - 6 - 7.

In this type of box, you will find a link to a specific topic on the help page. It may also contain some background information helping you to complete the exercise.

This type of box contains useful tips when completing the exercises.

In this type of box, we want to point out possible issues you might face and give explanation on how to overcome them.

In these quote boxes you will find the clause content that needs to be added in ClauseBase.

Struggling with an exercise?

Last updated